Friday, April 07, 2006

We just wanted to provide some answers for several of the recent news stories that are blatant attacks on Christianity and the Bible. In case you hadn't heard, the Gnostic Gospel of Judas has made a big splash over the last couple of days. Secular scholars and skeptics are coming out and saying that this casts doubt over the biblical account of Judas. Notice that they are more than happy to jump on the bandwagon with something like this that is from the third or fourth century. They have 9 pages of it and this somehow is supposed to be able to overcome the 24,000+ documents that we have supporting the New Testament that date back to within 25 years of the original writings. Refer to your lesson on "Is the Bible reliable" for more information and you can also read an article on this subject at

Another attack has come in the form of a new "transitional fossil". The title of "Fossil shows how fish made leap to land" could be seen on the AP article 4/7/06. You can go here to read some preliminary thoughts relating to this supposed evidence for evolution. Read the AP article and notice all of the words like "probably, may have, might have, etc." Make sure that you provide answers to the issues for your students. These issues are in their faces. God Bless - Anchors Away Ministry Team